Melanie Dyann Howe

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Don't Let Your Gifts Go Ungiven

I help female professionals and entrepreneurs use live video and social media to put themselves out there, authentically.


Sister, it's time to up your game.


I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur who is following her dreams of helping other business females find their inner badass online. I've helped hundreds of women better understand their personal brands and use modern marketing to Go Be Awesome.

There is no sugar coating here. This shit isn't easy and it's not simple. If you are willing to show up, I can coach you and guide you to be the badass marketer that will take you to the next level.

My Latest Tips

Articles and episodes teaching you what you need to know, without the fluff, to get things done.

Doing it Yourself Doesn't Mean you Have to do it Alone.

You're not the only one trying to figure out social media marketing. Join other DIY Marketers like you to learn and celebrate wins together.


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