Melanie Dyann Howe

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Are You Working on it, or Producing it?

productivity Sep 09, 2018

I love a good podcast, but to be totally honest, I have a hard time listening to most of them all the way through (hello, ADD). There is, however, one woman that I religiously listen to each week, and never regret it.

That would be Amy Porterfield and her podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy, Not only have I learned tons from these episodes, but I simply admire who Amy is and she's one of those online hero's of mine.

This year I met Amy at an exclusive conference, and now I dream of being a guest on her podcast some day.

Here's a secret, I believe that dream will come true.

But this post isn't about that. It's about a podcast I want you all to listen to.

Recently, Amy had a guest, Brooke Castillo, on her podcast. The episode shook me to my core. I have listened to it in the car, in the shower, on a long walk, and at my office. Brooke Castillo helps life coaches be better life coaches, and with her real talk, she said something on this podcast that rang true to me. It boils down to changing your mindset. Stop sitting down to "work on something" and sit down to "produce something." There is a major difference.

She also said we need to accept producing B- work. The funny thing is that in high school and college, I loved getting a B- but as a professional, I have somehow paralyzed so much of my progress because I'm always trying to produce A+ work. Does that sound like you at all?

Seriously, take a listen to this podcast.

It was incredibly eye-opening for me, but it also has helped me shift my mindset and I am now producing more and more each week, getting closer to my big dreams (like being a guest on Amy's podcast one day).

Here's a link to the podcast:

What do you think about B- work? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments after you've listened.


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