Melanie Dyann Howe

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Why Your Profile Pictures Need to be the Same

Consistency across your social media channels is important for your business to build and maintain a reputation and your brand. One easy way to create consistency is to simply use the same profile pictures across your social media channels.

Once you find a photo that works, stick with it. Your profile photo is often the first impression that someone may have of you or your business, and if they continually see that photo across your social media channels, they’ll begin to recognize who you are.

Your photo should be timeless. You shouldn’t have to change your profile photo every week, or even every month. The longer you can keep your profile photo posted, the better. Consistency builds as the duration of your profile photo does.

Make sure your profile photo is one that captures who you are. Need ideas? How about a photo of your logo or another image that represents your business. For your personal social media brand, try a headshot that looks professional, clear and nice, similar to what our friend Kristen Bitzegaio of Eos Nonprofit uses for hers:

Take a minute or two now to check if your social media profile photos are consistent. If they aren’t, simply make the change. If you’re feeling you need a new profile image altogether, plan a photo shoot for yourself or begin the hunt for a new image for your business, and keep in mind that you only get to make first impressions once.


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