Melanie Dyann Howe

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How to be Social on Social Media

Social media is about being social, and that includes two-way communication. Oftentimes we forget that there is more to social media than just publishing our own posts. It’s often easy to neglect our business network and just engage in communication on social media from our personal profiles. Here are the things you need to ensure you’re doing from your business profiles too.

Like other pages and profiles to build a network.

Go find other local businesses — your partners, vendors, customers, and nearby businesses. Like and follow their pages and profiles. Keep in touch with what their up to by looking at their profiles now and then. Most importantly, don’t neglect your own newsfeeds. Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or elsewhere, keep up with your network. Not sure how to like a page as your business? We've got you covered in this other article

Comment, like, and share other posts.

Now that you’ve gone and built a network by following other pages and are watching their feeds, don’t just be a bystander. Engage on their posts, share valuable content, and like what they are sharing. By doing so, you’re playing your part and you will likely get some return action of your own. Here’s a hint: start with the folks who are supporting you by liking, commenting, and sharing your posts.

Give shout outs to your customers and partners.

We’re all about posting valuable content on your social media. However, sometimes that valuable content is advocating for others in your community. In the world of small business, it’s important to support other local small businesses. So, check in to your favorite lunch spot, take a picture and give a shout out to the lady watering the flowers outside your building, take a picture of your clients and express your appreciation for them and the business they manage. These are all ways to contribute to your community via social media.

As I said, it’s easy to get caught up in your own social media and content, but keep in mind, if you are expecting others to like, share, and comment on your posts, shouldn't you be doing the same?


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