Melanie Dyann Howe

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How To Be Viewed as a Valuable Resource

Posting on social media can seem daunting at times. Sometimes we feel we are scrambling to get something posted just so we stay relevant. Yes, cat and dog videos tend to fill our timelines and create quite the buzz, but there is nothing to really take away from the video... other than the fact that you can’t quite figure out how to get your dog to skateboard.

We must always consider what our audience is getting out of our content.

Whether it be a tip for how they can better their business, a recipe for them to try at home, or some motivation to get out and exercise, your social media and blogs should be giving your audience something of value. Giving your audience something to walk away with allows for a connection to be built between your business and your audience.

Below are some examples we’ve created to better explain what we mean by "offer value."

Let’s say you own a gym. As a gym, you would post content that would motivate people to be active. Maybe it’s a quote from a famous athlete or a video of a workout they could do at home. You are giving them something to hold onto.

What about a photography studio? As much as we love pretty pictures, there are many other things a studio could offer to their audience. Tips on how to better use their DSLR camera or even just capturing a photo with their iPhone. Letting people know how they can better set up their lighting or even what the best editing tools currently are in the app store.

A restaurant (yum). Now, we know what you're thinking, easy... just post pictures of food. While that may make your audience hungry, you should entice them with specials that make them want to come in and eat. BOGO burgers or two dollar street tacos... everyone loves a good deal. Offer them history facts about where different food or the style of food originated from. The list goes on and on.

I hope this has inspired you to see what your audience is taking away from your content. Now go check out how people are interacting with your content.


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