Melanie Dyann Howe

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Episode 16: Eleven Tips for a Better Profile PIcture

podcast Nov 05, 2019

Your profile picture is a first impression, but it's also a way to maintain a lasting impression. When you're showing up online, it's important that you not only are authentic in how you post and comment but also how you look. 

This episode is not how to look pretty online, it's how to have an authentic profile picture that will actually help you connect with your audience. I've got eleven tips that will help you have a better profile picture. 

BONUS: Watch this video where I go into some detail about this topic. 


Here are all of the tips included in this episode: 

  1. Make sure your profile picture is of YOU and only you. Let go of the pictures of you and your spouse, your kids, your pets, your car, or your storefront. In order for your audience to connect with you, that image needs to be YOU. 
  2. Crop your image up close so it's mostly your face. Ideally about your chest or shoulders up will ensure I can see your face. 
  3. Make sure your face is in the center of the photo so it doesn't get cut off when platforms crop your image into a circle.
  4. Be sure your profile picture is one of you looking into the camera so we can look into your eyes. 
  5. Choose a picture with some contrast so you stand out in the photo. 
  6. Keep your background simple or blur the background.
  7. Don't use beauty filters or overpolish your photo. Avoid extensive retouching where you're removing wrinkles, moles, or extra pounds. Let your authentic look shine through to avoid coming off as fake or insecure.
  8. SMILE! 
  9. Use the same profile picture (or similar shots with the same background) across all of your social media platforms. 
  10. Keep your profile picture the same for a minimum of 3 months at a time (but shoot for longer). 
  11. Consider two years a good maximum shelf life for your profile image. It's good to ensure your image matches your current look.

Whether you're hiring a photographer to take your headshots or doing them yourself, applying these tips will ensure you have a profile picture that helps you connect with your audience in a deeper and more authentic way. 

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
DIY Marketing With Melanie Facebook Group

Check Out The Full Episode:




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