Melanie Dyann Howe

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Episode 27: Getting More Word of Mouth Marketing

podcast Feb 25, 2020

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Word of mouth marketing is not dead. It just looks different today than it did before all of this online marketing hootenanny came into play.

So what does word of mouth marketing look like today? It looks like it used to, but it also includes online reviews, check-ins on Facebook, people tagging you and your business, people sharing their experience with you in their own social content and stories (just to name a few). 

So, how can you foster this type of activity from your communities and customers?

  • Show up and be helpful in your communities, especially Facebook Groups
  • Create a customer experience worth talking about
  • Be memorable in how you delight your customers
  • Take the time to recognize people advocating for your business
  • Provide exceptional customer support

These are just a handful of the ways you can be remarketable and foster more word of mouth referrals. I encourage you to think about your own customer experiences that delighted you.

What can you take from that experience and apply in your own business? 

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Krystal Proffitt -
Bobby Klinck -
Episode 5 - The Real Reason We're On Social Media For Business
Episode 26 - Adding a Personal Touch to Your Communications


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