Melanie Dyann Howe

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Episode 31: The Four Dimensions of Your Personal Brand


You have a personal brand. Regardless of whether your business is a "Your Name Dot Com" kind of business (for example someone like me). 

I have been talking "personal branding" since 2014 and I'm always amazed at how many people don't think they have a personal brand. 

We all have personal brands. In this episode, I share why I am so passionate about helping people understand more tangibly what makes up their personal brand. In a nutshell, it all comes down to living your life authentically in order to have the right relationships (both personal and professional). I know a lot of people struggle with "defining" their personal brand. So, I break it all down into the four dimensions that make up our personal brands. 

  • Our Roles
  • Our Style
  • Our Values
  • Our Standards

This episode is really "off the cuff" and I did it without any notes. I just hit record and talked from my heart. So often I hear people say they don't like social media for the fear of being judged.

Good news and bad're being judged regardless of whether you're putting yourself out there or not. So, why not get clear on your personal brand and let it shine? Creating content is a lot easier when we are being our true authentic selves. I promise. Listen and let me know what you think.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Why You Need People in Your Content Strategy
DIY Marketing With Melanie Facebook Community


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