Melanie Dyann Howe

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Episode 41: How to Create Live Videos More Regularly

live video podcast Oct 28, 2020

Live video is powerful. Simple as that. But it's even more powerful if you do it on a regular basis! So why don't more entrepreneurs use live video more regularly? In my experience in helping people implement a live strategy, the reasons fall into two buckets.

The first reason is that they run out of content ideas. Sound familiar? I give you some tips on getting over the limiting belief that you can't talk about the same topics more than once. But also, go grab my super helpful list of fifty live video ideas.

The second reason is that the process of going live is because the set-up process hasn't been streamlined. I suggest ways you can create a dedicated space or process for going live so you don't avoid it. The goal is to make it so easy and simple that you can schedule your live video, or go live spontaneously.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Mel's List of Fifty Facebook Live Ideas
Episode: Eleven Tips for a Better Profile Picture
DIY Marketing With Melanie Facebook Group


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