Melanie Dyann Howe

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Episode 6: Five Powerhouse Productivity Apps Every Small Business Needs

podcast Jul 09, 2019

Sometimes the right app can make a challenging process so much easier and even fun. There are thousands and thousands of apps designed to improve our lives, keep us entertained, and help us reach new levels. 

In this episode, Mel shares five of her favorite powerhouse apps that will help you take your small business or team to the next level in your marketing efforts. She'll explain how Trello, Asana, Google Docs, Evernote, and Canva are the five powerhouse apps every small business needs. 

In addition to what each app can do, she'll also explain how all of them used together creates magic for your productivity efforts. 

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Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Google Docs
Mel’s Favorite Resources



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You are listening to the DIY marketing school podcast. I'm your host, marketing coach, productivity lover, Melanie Dyann Howe. In this episode, I am going to cover five powerhouse apps that every small business and entrepreneur must have in their stack. 

Oh, I'm so excited to talk to you today because this episode, I'm going to cover five powerhouse apps to boost your productivity. I love when I can find a good app that just makes my life or my business easier. I mean, it is like, I love it. I mean, it's like, one of the things I love. In fact, I love finding apps so much that it's kind of a downfall, because I will spend a little too much time exploring all the different apps. But good news for you is that I look at them all the time and pretty much only share the ones that I like, the ones that I think work, and the ones that I think are kind of, what I like to call, plug and play... meaning they don't require, you know, hours and hours and hours of you to learn how to use them. I love a good turnkey app, one that you basically just, you login, and you can figure out how to use it and it can start making your business and your life better immediately. So today, I'm going to cover five apps that I love. These are five apps that I have used for a long time. Now one thing I do know about apps is there's always new apps coming out all the time. And they can, if you're not careful, become bright and shiny objects. Now, it doesn't mean that just because you use one app for something means you should always use it and you should never, like, change. I'm just pointing this out because there are hundreds of apps out there, and software applications that will help you in your business. The five that I'm going to tell you about today have been around for a while and I have used all five of them for years. And they are still strong staples in business. And when you Google about these apps, they are the top dog. So you've maybe heard of some of them before, if not, welcome, here we go!

Now, what I love about these five apps is they’re, they all go together, meaning it's kind of like you can create your own little productivity process. And so I'm going to walk you through each of these apps and how they're used, but how they contribute to your, you know, process of creating and managing your social media content, or your marketing for your business. 

So the first app is called Trello, T-R-E-L-L-O. Now, I'm going to link to this app, as well as all of the other apps in the show notes. So don't feel like you've got to write that down, just go to the show notes. All of these apps are going to be in the show notes for this podcast. So Trello... Trello is actually kind of like a project management application. And it was actually created by a software development company back in the day and they essentially needed a way to manage their own projects. So they actually created their own app, like they developed their own app in-house, they used it. And they realize it was so helpful, they decided, well, let's go ahead and let other people use it. So Trello is free. There's a free version. But there's also a paid version. I honestly can't imagine anyone listening to this podcast would truly need the paid version of Trello. But, maybe you do. But, for the most part, the free version is amazing. And what I like to use Trello for is brainstorming ideas. So you can actually project plan. You can collaborate with other people using Trello. You can put tasks in Trello, you can organize them, and you can project manage things in it, and it works great for that. But I actually really like using Trello for the brainstorming stage. And really, what Trello does is, it's kind of like you create these lists. And then you create cards. So almost as if you were to think about if you were to try to start brainstorming a project, and you just started writing down ideas on Post-It notes, and you weren't exactly sure how to organize your Post-It notes, you just started writing them and just Post-It note, Post-It note, Post-It note, Post-It note... And then as you got further into that brain dump, if you will, you could start to kind of organize those Post-It notes and maybe you start to, like, stick them on a wall and you start to group them together. Well Trello basically allows you to do something like this virtually. And so you can just create a list and start putting in what are called cards. And then you can create more lists and you can move the cards around. You can even move an entire list of cards. And once you're in the app and you start playing with this, you'll know what I mean. But basically, you start out with what's called a board. And then you create a list, and then you create cards. And then you can create multiple cards and you can copy cards, and you can move the cards around, and you can move the list around on your board. So think of it as a bulletin board with a bunch of Post-It notes. But imagine if you could take that Post-It note, flip it over, and write even more detail. Maybe you could attach a picture, maybe you could create a checklist, maybe you could even, like, communicate and assign that Post-It note to someone… well, Trello actually lets you do this. So as you click on a card, you can add more detail, you can have conversations on a card. If you have multiple people on your board, like if you're managing it with multiple people, they'll get notified when you add an update to the card. It's amazing! So again, you can actually, you can even assign due dates to cards. So you can use Trello to project manage a project, you can use it to plan a vacation, you can use it to brainstorm your next product launch. I mean, you can use it for all kinds of stuff. I like to use it for brainstorming because of the flexibility of it. Because many times when I start to, like, if I were to just kind of start writing stuff down, like on a piece of paper or even in, you know, a different app, I feel like I need structure when I'm creating it that way. And so even if I was opening up a Word document, I feel like I need to know like the sections and the bullets... It's too difficult once I decide, “oh, this entire, like, group of information needs to now go over here” it's kind of a pain in the butt to edit it. And so what I like about Trello is it lets you dump your ideas and kind of let them marinate and let your brain kind of go. And then you can move everything around very fluidly. The other thing I love about Trello is that it's a cloud app. And what that means is that if you open up Trello on your computer, and you, you know, edit your board, or you edit your cards, or you add cards, well, if somebody else is on your board, then as soon as they, I mean when they're in Trello, even if they're in it at the exact same time you are, they will actually see the cards move that you're moving around. Or if you work on it, and then now you're at the coffee shop and you're on your laptop, away from your computer at the office, you can open up Trello there and it's all, like, there… all the updates are made. You can even use Trello on your phone for the exact same purpose. So it's a really great cloud app that is virtual. And it's always up to date at all times. So if somebody else is in there looking at something, they're always going to see the most up-to-date information. And you can create multiple boards. So you could create, you know, one board for all your projects and, like, each list could be different projects. Or you can create different boards for different projects. So it's up to you, however you want to use Trello. But I love Trello. So that is a great brainstorming tool. So imagine you're brainstorming, you know your content for the next three months, and you're throwing it in Trello and each list is a different category. So maybe the first list is, like, your live videos that you're going to do and you just start creating cards for all those live videos. And then the next list might be blog posts. And then the next list might be emails that you're going to do and you would create a card for each weekly email and add the ideas to those cards for the emails. So there's a million ways you can do it. 

Now, let's go to the next step. Because that was Trello... I love Trello. God, I've been using Trello for like, seven years now. And I just love it. So, Asana is the next app I want to talk about Asana, I'm going to spell it … A-S-A-N-A. And again, I'll link to Asana in the show notes. But Asana is also a project management app. But it is more, like, focused on true task management. So, you know, if you've used, if you've heard of or used Basecamp before, or even Microsoft Project, you know, things like that… Asana is an alternative. And what I love about Asana is that it's free, (there, of course, is a paid version), but the free version is extremely robust. And it is awesome. So, about five years ago, when I was starting my business, you know, my background is actually project management. So I had a lot of experience using project management apps everywhere from a spreadsheet of tasks with people's names in them, and dates, to Microsoft Project, to Basecamp, to others. And I knew I needed a project management tool of some, you know, some form. And I researched, and researched, and researched and I found lots of different options out there. And I probably spent a good four to five months really trying to find the right app for me. And if I discovered anything, what I discovered was, is there's no perfect app, but Asana came about as close as what I was looking for, as I could find, and the bonus was that it was free. And so what Asana does is it allows you to create a project, and then put tasks in the project, and assign people to those tasks, and put due dates in those tasks. Now, you might be saying, Well, duh, that's what a project management app should do. But here are some features that I love about Asana, which is why I chose Asana and why I have used Asana for the last five years now. One is it lets you create sub tasks. So you can create a task, let's say it's blog post. And then you can create subtasks that belong to that blog post task. Meaning, like, maybe it's “create draft,” maybe it's “approve draft,” maybe its “design images” and then “publish to WordPress”. And then the last task might be “social media posts.” And all of those little tasks belong to the blog post task. So, I really like project managing this way because sometimes you have a, kind of, a hairy task, and it needs those little tasks underneath it. Now you might be saying, “well, why wouldn't you just make the blog post a project?” Well, you could totally do that. And some of you may want to do that. But when you're in a business like mine, where I have different clients that I work with, different major launches, different projects I'm working on, that hierarchy of task management looks a little different. And so, for me, I might have different projects for different clients, and then I might have one project that's my marketing for my business. And inside that project are my marketing tasks and the sub tasks. You might look at Asana and say, “well screw that, I'm going to just make every, like, I'm going to make blog post number one a project, blog post number to a project, you know, January social media content, a project”...  Whatever you might want to do. And that works. 

That's what I like about Asana is it can kind of work in different formats. But what I like is it has that flexibility, so that if you do need sub tasks, you can create sub tasks. I was really surprised that when I was researching project management apps, how many of these apps out there did not have this function, this feature. And it just, for me, the way that I need to organize my brain and the work, because I have, you know, freelancers that work with me and teammates, you know, I need those sub tasks. And I was shocked that hardly anybody had them. Well, if they did, you had to pay for it, you had to pay like for an upgraded version of the software. So Asana lets you create these sub tasks. The other thing I like about Asana is that it allows you to have a calendar view of your tasks. So you can create, like, you can, when you log in, you're going to see a list, a list of your tasks that are assigned to you or you can customize your view, you can make it look at all incomplete tasks, or you look at all tasks, whatever. So you have these different views that you can look at, which was also something I liked. But it allows you to look at it either in a list view or in a calendar view. And some people have a preference of one or the other. Or you could be super complicated like me and depending on the way your mind is working in that moment, you might need both. I like a good list view, but then there's times where I need to see things on a calendar. I need to see where we are on a calendar. I need to know if my freelancer’s way overloaded this week, and there's just too many tasks on her plate or whatnot. And in that calendar view, you can actually move tasks around and it will adjust the due date. Now, I don't know about you. But if you know anything about project management apps, this is like gold. To be able to do that is awesome. So that's another piece I absolutely love about Asana. And there's way more that I could go into detail with, but here's how I want you to start to think about Asana. So let's say you've brainstormed some content for your business in Trello. Now it's time to actually sit down and work and create a plan for that content. So you could, again, you could stay in Trello. Or you can take, you could open up Asana and you could say, “boom, here we go.” Here's, you know, I just sat down and brainstormed, you know, 30 Facebook Lives for the next 30 weeks. Now I'm going to put them in and I'm going to create a task for each one and a due date of when these are going to happen. And my freelancer’s now going to go in and she's gonna be able to see when these things are happening. And she can actually get ready to create my, you know, my subsequent blog post that's going to go along with those, you know, however you want to divvy up the work. But it really allows you to create this really beautiful structure, whether it be a list view, or a calendar view of seeing these projects and the assignments of them. Now, again, you can do this in Trello, but it's a little bit. I personally like Asana for project management of tasks like the task management. So I want you to check that one out for sure. 

Okay, the next -- I could talk about Asana all day, by the way, including how when you complete a task, literally a unicorn flies across your screen. I mean, how cool is that? I love that. -- Okay, sorry, little bit of a rabbit hole there. The next app I want to talk to you about is Google Docs. Ok. Google Drive is your main kind of organizational cloud server. That is also a staple of my business. And so if you're a Google Drive user, you probably are already familiar with Google Docs. But maybe you're not, maybe you're using Dropbox or a different server management, you know, a place to store all your files in the cloud. But Google Docs, I like Google Docs, for collaborative writing. And so you can actually take notes in Google Docs, you can save information in Google Docs, I mean, you can use Google Docs for lots of things. But essentially what it is, it's kind of like Word, so Microsoft Word, but it's Google's version of it. And it's in the cloud. So what that means is you go to Google Docs and, you know, online, and you open up your doc, and you edit that doc there, well, then you go to your phone, well, you can access that exact same document on your phone, and it has all your most recent updates. And so that's a beautiful thing. So it's very much like Word, you can create all kinds of things in Google Docs. Basically, almost anything you can create in Word, you can create in Google Docs. But the reason I like to use it for collaborative writing is because A) it's stored in the cloud, okay, so again, you can access it anywhere. So you could draft a blog post at the coffee shop, because maybe that's where the creative juices flow for you, and then you can revisit that Google Doc when you get home, you know, or you could be somewhere else and be like, “Oh, I just had a new idea for that blog post,” and you can open it up on your phone and edit it and add to it right there. So it's virtually kept in the cloud, which makes you able to access it anywhere at all times. But here's the reason I like to use it for this because there's other apps to do the same thing. In fact, Microsoft Word, if you use OneDrive, it will do the same thing. But I like Google Doc, because it's a really great tool when you need someone else to help you edit or write a document. Or if you need multiple people to be able to see something. So I like to use Google Docs whenever I'm doing any kind of copywriting or any kind of copyediting because I have a freelancer who helps me with all of my copywriting, my copy editing, she is a writer for my client work that we do… she's incredible. And we work in Google Docs. And so what happens is, is sometimes she will draft a blog post and then I will go in and review that blog post and I will make comments or suggested edits. And so it allows me to actually say, like, suggest an edit, where I just click on, you know, edit, “suggesting”, and then when I, like, delete a word and type a word, it doesn't actually change the document, it shows her, “Hey, I'm telling you, you should maybe consider this.” She can then accept or reject that edit. And it works both ways. So I can write something and say, “Hey, I got started on this, I’m kind of stuck on it. Can you kind of make it a little bit more colorful, make it sound better?” Or “Can you check the spelling and grammar” because she's, like, amazing at that. And she can go in and make suggested edits. I like suggested edits, because then I can see, like, what I did wrong, or I can see. Or I could say, “Oh, actually, no, I don't want to do that. Because I really meant for it to sound like this.” And so I like using Google docs for collaborative writing. So if you're drafting something, and you need somebody to edit it for you or review it, you can use Google Docs that way. We use it with our clients as well. So we have a couple clients who we send them the link and they look at it, they make suggested edits, or they just add comments -- you can also just add a comment. And it makes the process so much easier and so much faster. It's way better than saving a document, emailing a document, they have to then open the document, save their edits and attach it, yada yada... it's just so much faster to just send a link and be like, “boom, here it is.” Now, we're going to, we're going to pull this together. So we've brainstormed blog posts. We brainstorm content in Trello. We've created tasks and Asana. All right, now I'm going to open a Google Doc, and I'm going to, it's time to work on that blog post draft because my Asana thing just told me, “Hey, your draft is due tomorrow.” So great... I'm gonna open up a Google Doc, I'm gonna drop that blog post, I'm going to grab that link to that Google Doc, and I'm going to add it to the Asana task. Or maybe my freelancer has a task that's completely separate that says, you know, “edit blog post,” I'm going to add that Google doc and be like, “hey, the draft is ready.” I don't have to email her anything. I don't have to text her, I don’t have to call her. All she has to do is, like, check her Asana and in her little inbox of Asana, it's actually going to tell her “Melanie added a link to this task.” And she's going to see it right there. She clicks the link, opens up the Google Doc, makes the suggested edits, closes it,  goes back to Asana, comments and says, “Hey, I made the edits for you.” And then I'm an Asana, it tells me that happened. And now my blog draft is ready and done and ready to go without any emails, without any text messages. We didn't have to talk to each other, you know, and it all is able to be tracked and communicated within these apps. 

So this is why I love this. It creates a seamless process for you. So I hope you're kind of starting to pick up on a little bit of a theme here that these powerhouse apps, they truly are like the stack you need in your business. They all kind of do their own different thing. So Google Docs is awesome. Check it out. It's great. It's super easy to use. It's free. Isn't that amazing? It's freakin’ free. I love it. Okay, next up, the next app, similar to Google Docs, but different is Evernote. OK, Evernote, E-V-E-R-N-O-T-E. The link will be in the show notes. So Evernote, I want you to think of Evernote as your virtual Trapper Keeper. I mean, I'm old enough to know what Trapper Keepers are… not all of you are but, I mean, I know plenty of us are old enough to remember our Trapper Keeper. A good old Trapper Keeper is, like, this three ring binder that had dividers in it, and folders, and, like, cool colors and maybe you had a unicorn on your Trapper Keeper. But I mean, it's a virtual Trapper Keeper. That's hard to say... virtual Trapper Keeper. What Evernote does is it lets you create notes, but you can create notebooks. And I'm actually as I am talking to you right now, I have an Evernote open and I have a notebook that's called “Podcast.” And in this notebook, I can create a different note for each podcast and I can just kind of throw my notes in there. And I can kind of type up my bullet points so that when I, you know, go through these podcasts, I kind of have a script, not a script really because I'm not a scripted person, but I have bullets and I have the points I want to cover. I am literally looking at Evernote right now as I'm talking to you. And so I love what Evernote lets me do because I can create these notes and there are lots of different formats that you can use... it has, you can have bullets in there. You can even have checkboxes that you can check mark, which is awesome. So if you wanted to, you know, create a to-do list in Evernote, you totally could. But what I love is the notebook feature so you can organize everything in notebooks. Now, Evernote is actually an app I have been using for… gosh, I'm going to go ahead and say around 10 or 11 years. I started using it when I started working with a huge project and I discovered Evernote and it was amazing because I was traveling all the time. So I was at my office computer, but then I was traveling to go work with clients. And then I was coming back I was going back and forth. And it was like the actual, like, physical notebook just wasn't cutting it anymore. And so I would go and I would take these notes. And then I would come back and I'd be on these different computers, laptop versus desktop. And I was able to just always keep track of my notes. Now you're saying, “Well, that sounds a lot like what you just described with Google Docs.” You could totally use Google Docs the same way. You could totally use Google Drive and Google Docs, you could create folders and put the Google Docs in there. That works if that's you, and you kind of want one all-inclusive app that, is great. That totally works. Evernote pretty much just kind of makes it easier. It's just already built to do that… it's already built to create notebooks and notes. And I like the formatting that it uses. And so I can also do the same. It's a virtual app as well in the cloud. So I can be somewhere, I can add to it, I can pull it up on my phone and there's the stuff that I need, I can edit it right there. So the reason I like to use Evernote differently than Google Docs is because Google Docs is more for again, that collaborative work or the shared documents that I need other people to be able to see to contribute to, to add to whatnot.

Evernote is like my own personal virtual notebook. Okay, and that's why I use them separately. So I look at Google Docs says kind of more public within my little, you know, organization or with my clients. And then I use Evernote for just my eyes only. So that's where I keep notes. I even I journal in my Evernote, sometimes I have kind of like a little journal. I've got all kinds of stuff in here. But this is just for stuff that just nobody else really needs to see. And it's just for me, and it keeps the stuff that I share with people just cleaner, okay, so that I'm not having to really overthink what I'm sharing and not sharing. If it's an Evernote, I know that I'm the only one who's going to see it, you can actually use a paid version of Evernote... Evernote’s free, by the way, you can use a paid version though. And you can actually share stuff like within your organization. And you can do collaborative editing there. So there's a lot of options, but that's how I like to use Evernote. So Evernote, for me is great when you need to, like, do could just keep track of your business planning your business goals, just kind of get the stuff that you need to dump your mind and kind of get things out. Every time I meet with clients, I actually have a different note for each client. And so whenever I go meet with a client, I pull their note and I have every meeting. I just for the next meeting, I put today's date, and I put the notes from that meeting. And that way I have one note and I can always go back and look at all the different you know, if I'm like, “oh, last month, we talked about this, how did that go for you? Did you get that done?” And I do this with my business coach as well. Like, I have an Evernote that I keep that I use for, you know, every time you with her, I keep track of stuff so that I know what I committed to, what I'm supposed to get done, what she, you know, recommended to me, etc, etc. So Evernote, again, think of it as your virtual Trapper Keeper. Another alternative to that if you are a Microsoft lover and user is Onenote, and it's very, very similar, but different. I've used both, I think they both are great. I just have used Evernote so long that I think I just like it, and I know it, and that's the one I use. So, but Onenote is another great alternative to check out. 

Okay, the next app, I've almost I've almost saved the best for last. But I don't know, they're all amazing. I don't know, if you ask me which of these is my favorite, I really couldn't answer you. Because again, they all do different things. And they all help me in different ways for my business. Alright, so the last up the fifth app in this powerhouse stack that you need for your business is Canada, ca n VA. and Canada is an app that lets the non designer be a great designer. I mean, honestly, like you can create so many great graphics, and visuals using Canvas. That that just again, they allow the non designer to be a designer. Now, if you're looking for like high end custom stuff, then you need to hire designer, I think designers are still value designers, I love them. But for the stuff that we need to do ourselves which we are di wires, and I want you to do your own stuff, you can use Canvas. So Canada is an app, you just go to Canvas calm. Again, I'll link in the show notes. And you create an account, it's free. There is of course, a Canada pro account as well that I do recommend, but I want you to try the free version first to make sure you like it, if you like it, and you can see how you're going to use it for your business, this is worth the investment to invest in Canada Pro, because it has other features that are going to make your life even better. But Canada basically, what it is, is you go in and you can create anything from your social media graphics, to proposals to presentations like PowerPoint presentations, to flyers, postcards, email headers, LinkedIn headers, you know, all kinds of stuff, invitations, there's so much in there, there's even a section now that they just added for educators. So like, like, you know, your lesson plans. So what it is, is it's it uses a series of templates. So you go in and you click on, let's say, Instagram post, and you can search all these different templates, and you find one that you like, and you click it and then you just edit it, you change the text, or you change the image or you change the colors. And so what it does is it takes that concept going step out of design. So the design process, when you're working with a true designer is, you know, the idea of the objective. And then the next step is concept. And so a good designer is going to probably give you, you know, anywhere from three to five concepts, and they're going to be very different. And you're going to pick one and be like Yo, that's the closest one I'm looking for. And then you're going to edit from there. And then you're going to once you once they edit from there, then you might take that concept. And you might apply that to all kinds of different graphics. Well, that entire process is basically done for you with Canada. And so the true like fine art graphic designer, that's what they do, they come up with original design. And it's amazing, but it's also expensive. And it you need to be able to pay a good designer to do their great work there an artist, well what this is, artists have already done this, they've created these templates, and they're in the software app that makes the process easy. So you don't have to use fancy, techie hard to use design software that people literally go to college to use, or they do training for to use. And they it's a very simplified version of editing the graphics. And that's what Canada does. And so it's great for the DIY or because we go in. And you know, we're small business, we don't necessarily need custom stuff right now, your branding, I think you should hire designer and all that branding stuff, I think you should do custom stuff. That's your concept. But once you have that concept is done. Now you can go into Canvas, find an image that you like, and you can change the colors to your brand colors, you can change the font to your font that your brand specialist created for you. And you can upload the pictures that your photographer took for you whatnot, and you can now create your own designs. And so, Canvas again, it's great for social media, it's amazing for social media content. If I mean, you can make flyers in here, you can do all kinds of stuff. So you can never have the accent use of I can't I don't have a you know, a Facebook cover photo, because I'm down to designer will go to Canada, click on Facebook cover photo, pick a template, tweak it, make it your own, and there you go. So what you do is you edit these things, and then you can download them into image files or PDFs or whatever format you need. And then you can now you have it, you can use it Canvas awesome. And when you have the paid version you get you have access to stock imagery as well. So like thousands and thousands and thousands of stock images. And I love that about it because it just takes it puts everything in one place for you. So you've got to check out Canada, it's amazing. It does lots of stuff. And it's one of those apps where it is very plug and play. But the more you use it, the better you will get at using it. So it's kind of one of those ones that the more you go, the better you get. Oh, okay, there you have it. Those are my five powerhouse apps that every small business marketer needs in their stack. We talked about Trello for brainstorming, we talked about Asana for task management. We talked about Google docs for collaborative writing, and editing and sharing content. And then we talked about Evernote, which is your virtual Trapper Keeper, a place for you to keep all the important notes and all the things you want to save, and organize them in different notebooks or tabs. And then we talked about Canada, my favorite, easy to use graphic design tool that lets any non designer go create graphics for their own stuff all by themselves without outsourcing it to an expensive designer. So you gotta have these, you gotta check them out. I will have a link to each of these in the show notes. But as I mentioned, I love apps and I love productivity. There are more apps that I love to use and recommend. There's video apps, there's so many more that I constantly talk about. If you want to see all the apps and resources that I recommend, then go to Melanie, forward slash resources. Again, that's me l and he do why a n forward slash resources, there will be a link to that in the show notes as well. But there I give you these apps and more, including the links to access them so that you can use them. So that's what I've got for you guys today. If you haven't already, please give this podcast a subscription. So click Subscribe, wherever it is, you listen to that you don't miss an episode, I have so much planned for you guys, we're going to talk about content strategy, there's going to be times I'm going to talk even further about productivity because I love productivity. We're going to talk about what's working in social media, how to bridge the gap between your online marketing and your offline marketing. We're gonna talk about customer service. There's so many things that I'm going to talk about to help you do your own marketing, but do it well and marketing goes so much further than social media. But we do talk about social media the most. My goal for you is that you can listen to this podcast, get the tips, the encouragement, sometimes the top love the kick in the rear that you need to go do your own marketing. So my friends, get out there and go be awesome.

Affiliate Links: Some links in this post are affiliate links. If you enroll using one of these links, I may receive credit or commission however none of the prices have been increased or inflated in order to do so.


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