Melanie Dyann Howe

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How to Create a Brand Cheat Sheet with Canva

branding canva May 27, 2019

Your brand is important. It involves colors, fonts, images, and logo's. Your content should use the same colors, fonts, and logo's everywhere.

I'm talking about your social media, website, emails, presentations, documents, marketing materials...everything.

Let's not waste time trying to track down those colors every time we sit down to create. Make a brand cheat sheet in less than 8 minutes with Canva.

To make the process of creating your brand cheat sheet with Canva faster, do a little prep work before you get started. 

  1. Gather info about your colors - at a minimum you need the HEX value and the RGB values. For added bonus, gather your Pantone colors and CMYK values too.
  2. Find out what your fonts are or decide on what fonts you'll be using throughout your marketing. Typically there are 2-3 fonts used. Headline fonts, subheading fonts, and body fonts. 
  3. Get your Logo's uploaded into Canva or make sure you have them in a folder ready for uploading. 
  4. Open your website or Facebook Profile and have your short description ready for copying and pasting. 

As you can see from the video, I created a cheat sheet in less than 8 minutes, but the cheat sheet saves hundreds of minutes looking for info, and correcting visuals that have the wrong colors because someone guessed the closest match (which is almost always incorrect). 

There you have it! Now, go create a brand cheat sheet and make sure everyone has access to it. 


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