Melanie Dyann Howe

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What You Need to Know About Facebook Algorithms

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2019

Here's the deal, the social media platforms are always going to have some level of control. It is THEIR platform. You don't own it like you do your website. 

We ask marketers have to acknowledge that the algorithms are part of the game. We can choose to be bitter or we can accept them, learn them, and take them into account when we're creating social media content. 

The down and dirty starts at 3:44

In the video above, I give you an update to the most recent Facebook algorithm changes they announced. You can read the Facebook news release or you can get a quick summary in my video. 

I also talk about a mindset shift that some small businesses need to make. Marketing has NEVER been free. Marketing costs us in dollars or in time, and when it comes to advertising, it usually costs dollars. 

Print ads, direct mail, TV commercials, radio commercials - they all cost money and they always have. Why would any small business expect promotional posts on social media to be free?  

The Reality of the Social Media Algorithms: 

You don't own Facebook or any other social media platform. The cost for existing on social media doesn't cost you any money, but advertising on it does. The algorithms are in place for the users, not the business owners. 

The Good News about the Social Media Algorithms: 

If you embrace these realities, you can be informed of how these platforms are controlling the news feeds to create the best user experience possible. If you can be a part of that, you can create content that complies and supports a positive user experience. 



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