Melanie Dyann Howe

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Let's create a social media content strategy

Say it with me, “I will no longer post something just to post something.” This means you’re ready to let your social media content start working for you and help you reach your goals. You need to embark on a simple process that will lead you through the elements of developing a content strategy. Additionally, you’ll be able to come up with more ideas for content that will actually line up with your goals and you'll be able to plan ahead and save tons of time. How does that sound? If you said, “AWESOME,” then you’re in the right place!

So, what’s in a Content Strategy?

Your content strategy should never be more complex than what you can manage. It’s meant to be a tool for you and your team to use in order to stay on the same page, stay strategic, and have a plan. So, with that being said, a simple format is usually best, but add in extra details that your program and team need in order to be successful. The more complex your product mix and target audience, the more robust your strategy may need to be.

Every content strategy, whether basic or robust, should answer these questions:

  • What is the objective of your content (aligned with your business goals)?
  • Who is your content for (your target audience)?
  • What is the theme of your content (style and tone of voice)?
  • What is the format of your content (images, articles, videos)?
  • Where will your content be used (what marketing channels)?
  • How will your content be developed and published (who will do it)?
  • What is the schedule for your content (content calendar, frequency)?

Content strategies should be developed for your overall social media plan, however, mini-content strategies should also be developed for events or specific campaigns. To do this, you will literally go through the same questions outlined above, but for a specific event or promotion that you are pushing. Just be sure that this mini-content strategy is aligned with your overarching company strategy.

How to document your content strategy?

There are two major styles of content strategies. Super simple black and white vs. kinda flashy and visually engaging (my made up, not-so-technical way to describe it). Both are completely acceptable, but if you've got the time and ability, shoot for kinda flashy and visually engaging. For the down and dirty black and white, go with a simple program like Word or Pages and just get all the major points down on paper. Use formatting to separate sections of the strategy and voila, you're done.

For the "kinda flashy and visually engaging" style, I recommend PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides. Whatever program you're accustomed to, go with it. With these programs, it's easy to create a consistent look throughout the pages and it's super simple to throw in logos and image examples, which make your content strategy that much more visually appealing (but also useful). Lastly, these programs make for a really great way to present the strategy to employees or marketing team members.

Don't be intimidated by the process of creating a content strategy. Don't over complicate it either. Just make sure you're answering those questions and add in any extra layers of detail that you feel are crucial in your marketing efforts. Now, go get it done!


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