Melanie Dyann Howe

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Make Creative Content with these Five Apps

Creating interesting content doesn’t have to be hard. I’ve discussed in previous blog posts how important visuals are in social media. Today, there are tons of apps and integrations on different platforms to help you create interesting content and I'm going to show you how to use a few of them.

5 super easy to use apps for making creative content

Boomerang - If you use Instagram often, you’ve seen Boomerang clips. Boomerang is an app made by Instagram that creates videos that play forward and backward. Publishing these little clips to Instagram is super simple since Boomerang automatically integrates with Instagram. Even better, the videos save to your phone so you can also upload them to any other platform, such as Facebook. You can download it from the app store (for free) or even just open Instagram and find a link when you go to post a picture. 

Showing you this Boomerang Video via GIPHY

Hyperlapse - This is another app created by Instagram that creates time-lapse videos. It’s great for when you want to catch a lot of action and make it look awesome. 

For instance, a crafter selling items on Etsy could create a hyperlapse video of their hands making their awesome product. It not only gives a behind the scenes look at their craft, which people love, but it also reiterates that those items are handmade and the hyperlapse video is a quick and fun way to show that. 

This app is free and integrates well with all other social media platforms.

Animoto - You are able to use this tool either on your phone or computer. The desktop version can definitely do a little more than the mobile app, but they both allow you to create professional-quality videos from pictures and video clips. The app is free, but you can pay to get even more robust features and editing control. The premium subscription also gives you access to different things such as adding your logo to videos and 2,000+ music tracks.

Here's a video I made with Animoto for Women In Business Unlimited.

Ripl - Want to create animated posts? Look no further, because this app rocks. The free version allows you to make a simple image more interesting by adding text. If you want to spend ten dollars a month, you will get more features such as the pro design catalog, the ability to add your own logo, access to the pro music library, the ability to schedule posts and to save pictures to your camera roll.

360 Photos on Facebook - While not really an app and more of a newer Facebook feature, posting a 360 photo is a simple way to get people to interact with your content. All you have to do is a take a panoramic photo and then it should upload to Facebook as a 360 photo. As long as you have a Facebook profile or page you can use this tool.

With today’s technology and the apps on the market, anyone can create unique and engaging content. I suggest using apps like the ones above to make your creative life simpler and your social media more interesting. Go for it!


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