Melanie Dyann Howe

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Organizing Marketing Ideas with Trello

Obviously, marketing planning should be a collaborative and creative process. A good whiteboard session is hard to beat, but there’s a more tech-savvy way to get your creative juices flowing. Enter Trello. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a marketing coordinator, business owner, or just someone who has ideas to flush out. Trello is really awesome and anyone can use it for creative brainstorming.

Trello helps you get started without knowing where to start.

Planning a huge project or campaign can be paralyzing. Where do I start? Should I be writing all these notes on a piece of paper? Maybe I should just start putting ideas down Post-It it Notes? Where can I save and flush out the articles I read that would go with this project? What buckets do these ideas fit into… what should the buckets even be? Wait, how do I figure out what’s been done already and when things need to get done? Oh crap, I thought this was the way we were going to organize this project but now I want to do it a different way? If any of this mental chaos sounds familiar, then you have come to the right place. Trello is a solution that will quiet all of that.

How to organize your creative ideas in 4 steps:

  1. Get your marketing ideas into Trello - create a “board” and start putting a bunch of ideas onto cards. Add more detail to each idea by adding comments to the card, links to articles, pictures, etc.
  2. Get rid of the unapproved ideas - not every idea is created equal, so clean up your big board of ideas by archiving the cards that you’re not going to move forward with.
  3. Organize your ideas - Look through your approved ideas and determine how you want to organize them. You will do this by creating lists and dragging cards into their appropriate list.
  4. Determine your organization style - What I love about Trello is how many ways it offers a solution to organize your cards. 

The beauty of Trello is that you can keep it super simple and really high level, or you can go into a lot of detail. For example, you may want more detail, so you may end up taking one of those lists we mentioned above and just making it an entirely separate board all by itself.

Just freakin’ try it:

It’s completely impossible for me to explain how flexible and robust Trello is with words and I really should consider doing a video but hey, the best way for you to begin experiencing this awesomeness is simply to jump in and get started with the app.

No, I'm not getting paid by Trello.

Not a single penny is coming to me from the creators of Trello. I just love this app SO much that I had to share. Give it a try today.

 *Some links may be affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me.


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