Melanie Dyann Howe

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The Importance of Daily Social Media Monitoring

Whether you’ve been on social media for years or have just started your engines on social media, it is important to get into the habit of monitoring your social media channels on a daily basis. You should be checking your social media at least three times a day for just a few minutes each. I call these social media drive-bys.

Here’s what you should be checking for during each of your social media drive-bys:

Look out for comments and replies.

Oftentimes, the notifications on social media platforms, which are supposed to be “convenient”, end up being a confusing and unreliable mess. Therefore, it is important to manually glance at each recent post for any new comments, questions or reviews that may have snuck past your notification center. Be sure to reply to all engagement on your page.

Reply to direct messages and reviews.

It’s important to reply in a timely manner to these special interactions from customers and potential customers. Timeliness is simply good customer service, and it shows that you are active and reliable on social media and in your business. If a negative message or review comes your way, quick, polite and helpful replies will be the best way to handle the problem.

Monitor check-ins and posts to your page.

While this portion of the tip is specific only to Facebook, it is just as important as the others.  On Facebook, be sure to respond and engage with check-ins and posts that make their way to your page. Just like the above tip, timeliness and being active on your social media platforms is important. It shows that you care about your advocates and customers. Quickly interacting with these posts is an awesome opportunity to engage with your customers the moment they are consuming your brand.

Make edits where needed and permitted.

Some platforms allow you to edit posts, while others don’t. If typos and mistakes missed your eyes or your editor’s eyes the first time, take advantage of social media platforms that allow you to edit posts. If a glaring mistake or correction needs to be addressed, be sure to comment or reply to the post with the updated information.

Even if you aren’t regularly posting to your social media (which, you should be), it is still crucial that you are checking it every day. Sometimes it can be hard to remember to do this when your day gets busy. Try setting a reminder in your phone or blocking off time on your calendar for quick social media drive-bys throughout the day!


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