I want you to stop freaking out about your digital marketing. I get it though, it's a complicated world, at least it seems like it is. Do any of these sound familiar?
"Is Facebook marketing even worth spending my time anymore?"
"People say the younger generation isn't even on Facebook or Instagram, should I look into Snapchat?"
"What the heck are these "stories" things? Do we need to be doing those?"
"Should we start a podcast?"
"I feel so behind already, maybe I shouldn't worry about social media at this point."
"How much should I be spending on social media ads?"
"I keep hearing good things about Instagram, should we look into that?"
"Is live video even a thing anymore?"
The list goes on. Want to know something? It's never going to stop.
You should never stop exploring ideas and you should always make an effort to stay up to date with trends. Not because you want to keep up with the marketing Jones' but because there are always new tools and new opportunities for reaching your audience.
This post isn't about helping you decide which platforms or which tactics to choose.
Regardless of the budget you have, the platforms you're on, or the business you're in, there are three foundational elements required for any marketer to be successful. These were true yesterday, they are true today, and they will be true tomorrow.
These rules applied even before digital marketing came into play. The interactions we have with customers have not changed - they have just spread out because we now have interactions online in addition to all of the interactions we have in person.
Digital marketing will change, but these rules will not. Regardless of the platform or formats you choose, the rules still apply.
Be helpful, be authentic, and listen! You won't go wrong.
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