Melanie Dyann Howe

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Tips to Increase Engagement on Twitter

Looking for some help to increase engagement on Twitter? Check out the following tips on how to start conversations that lead to engagement with your followers and potential followers on Twitter.

Tweet questions that provoke answers.

People are more likely to reply to a tweet that asks a question, so do just that. Not every tweet has to be a question, but every once in a while, ask your followers what they might like to see from your business, what suggestions they have, or even fun questions about your services. For example, if you own a bakery, you might ask what are your followers' favorite flavors or items. You can even incentivize replies to your tweets by offering promotions and contests for people who engage in specific tweets.  Also, Twitter polls are a great way to ask followers questions, and it is even easier for customers to reply to polls than to the tweet itself.

Reply to your followers' tweets.

As a customer who has experienced engagement from businesses that I follow, I definitely feel special and cared for by a business that takes time to reply to a Tweet that I tag them in, and I definitely feel like a queen when a business shows up in my comments for a random tweet of mine. Definitely favorite, retweet and reply to tweets you’re tagged in when appropriate for your business’ brand. If a customer is tweeting frustration, reply back with a possible solution and apology (the customer is always right), and ask them for their contact information off Twitter to keep any more negative thoughts off the platform and to show that you care.

Reply to potential customers' tweets.

Reach out to people who don’t follow you. These people might be potential customers or simply people who don’t know your Twitter exists, but either way, the more you engage with these people, the more likely they are to follow you and engage back with you. You can find these people by searching hashtags that might be related to your business or industry, or find them by looking at other businesses in your industry’s followers and follow them. Once you find them, reply to their tweets with comments and questions for the person to let them know that you exist.

Engage with your industry on Twitter.

This tip is very similar to the previous tip. Simply use hashtags, your followers’ followers, and research about companies and campaigns that work. The more you engage, the more your name and profile gets out there. Don’t go overboard though, or you might sound annoying. Also, maybe your business has a business to look up to... feel free to reach out to them and give them praise! They might retweet you or reply to you and abracadabra — all of their awesome followers and the business itself know you exist!

Twitter can be a difficult platform to navigate, and it might be even more difficult to engage with your audience, but hopefully, these four tips can get you on your way to increased engagement.


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