Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

Episode 15: How to be a Better Networker in the Flesh

Networking events, you either love them or you get sweaty palms just thinking about them. Attending meetups, conferences, network events, luncheons, fundraisers, and all of the other types in between come naturally for some. For others, they create stress and anxiety which can prevent you from...

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Episode 14: Five Ways to Optimize Your Marketing for Bigger Results

What do I mean by optimizing your marketing? Getting the most of your efforts, your content, and your social media profiles. Essentially, we want all of this marketing stuff to benefit us, not hurt us or cause us pain without the gain. We want bigger outcomes without bigger efforts. 


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Episode 13: Facebook Pages vs. Facebook Groups and why you need both.

You likely have a Facebook Page. If you also have a Facebook Group for your business, it's possible that you've wondered if you should even bother with your Facebook Page anymore.

In this episode, I'm going to explain why Facebook Groups are starting to get even more attention - so much so that...

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Episode 12: Eight Strategies to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Remember the movie, Field of Dreams. Its where the quote "If You Build it, They Will Come?" When Iowa farmer, Ray, hears a mysterious voice one night in his cornfield saying "If you build it, he will come," he feels the need to act. He builds a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield...

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Episode 11: Why You Can't Only Rely on Social Media to Market Your Business.

You've probably heard the experts say, "You don't own Facebook so you shouldn't put all of your eggs in one basket." What does that even mean?

Obviously, you know you don't own Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest. Here's the skinny...

If you're relying on social media to...

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Episode 10: Create an Encouragement Bank to Get Out of The Mental Rut

Today I'm going to share an idea that will help keep you motivated and your spirits up when you have those icky moments of self-doubt or simply when this whole business journey just feels hard as hell.

I want you to keep all of the encouraging words people share with you. These come in the form of...

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Episode 9: How-To Deal With Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome

Whether they’re related to your business or your life, bright, shiny objects pop up and steal your productivity. Those shiny objects may even be amazing ideas for growing your business. But if you chase every idea the moment it pops into your head, you won’t follow through with...

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Episode 8: How to Re-purpose Your Core Content

Do you have a podcast? Do you have a blog? Publish consistent video content? These are examples of pieces of core content. What if you could take that core piece of content and convert it into multiple pieces of content, including social media posts? You can my friends and in this episode, I'll...

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Episode 7: How to Embrace Facebook Live for Increased Engagement

If you haven’t already done a live video, chances are you’ve thought about it (and likely been scared away). In this episode, I cover how to combat the most common arguments I hear for avoiding Live video. From your content to your looks, I’ve got tips to increase your...

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Episode 6: Five Powerhouse Productivity Apps Every Small Business Needs

Sometimes the right app can make a challenging process so much easier and even fun. There are thousands and thousands of apps designed to improve our lives, keep us entertained, and help us reach new levels. 

In this episode, Mel shares five of her favorite powerhouse apps that will help you...

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