Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

Let's create a social media content strategy

Say it with me, “I will no longer post something just to post something.” This means you’re ready to let your social media content start working for you and help you reach your goals. You need to embark on a simple process that will lead you through the elements of developing a...

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4 Ways to Repurpose Content For Social Media

If you’ve got a blog, then you’ve got gobs of social media content. If you read articles from industry leaders and peers, then you’ve got even more social media content. Here are four ways to repurpose content for social media.

Turn blog posts into multiple social media...

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How To Be Viewed as a Valuable Resource

Posting on social media can seem daunting at times. Sometimes we feel we are scrambling to get something posted just so we stay relevant. Yes, cat and dog videos tend to fill our timelines and create quite the buzz, but there is nothing to really take away from the video... other than the...

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Why Showcasing People on Social Media Works

As a business, your biggest assets are your people. This, in combination with how people buy and why they buy, is the reason you should be showcasing people on social media.

Think back to an amazing experience you had as a paying customer. Got it? OK, so what do you remember the most? It’s...

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