Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

3 Rules That Will Never Change in Marketing

I want you to stop freaking out about your digital marketing. I get it though, it's a complicated world, at least it seems like it is. Do any of these sound familiar?

"Is Facebook marketing even worth spending my time anymore?"

"People say the younger generation isn't even on Facebook or...

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How I Published 30 Posts in 30 Days

For those of you that followed along, you saw that I posted 30 tips in 30 days to my social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and my personal Twitter). I didn't just post tips to my social media though, I published thirty blog posts to my website too. It...

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Why Showcasing People on Social Media Works

As a business, your biggest assets are your people. This, in combination with how people buy and why they buy, is the reason you should be showcasing people on social media.

Think back to an amazing experience you had as a paying customer. Got it? OK, so what do you remember the most? It’s...

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Why You Need a Style Guide and What Goes in It

When it comes to running a business, having a uniform brand is key. A style guide includes all of the elements that make your brand identifiable to others, and is, therefore, one of the best things you can have for your business. It helps you to create consistency in visuals and messages to your...

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The Importance of a Complete Social Media Profile

To some, this might be obvious, but for many, this might be a daunting task:

Fill in and complete every field in your social media profiles.

Some of you might be saying “duh,” but often times, simple things like a phone number or website address don’t make it to a business...

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How Many Social Media Channels Should You Use?

With so many social media channels available to use, it can be overwhelming and confusing to determine which are right for your business. Some of the most common platforms are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. We're here to tell you that you don't need to be on every...

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Why Your Profile Pictures Need to be the Same

Consistency across your social media channels is important for your business to build and maintain a reputation and your brand. One easy way to create consistency is to simply use the same profile pictures across your social media channels.

Once you find a photo that works, stick with it....

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Use Business and Personal Social Media Profiles

I sometimes see business owners and managers begin to abandon their company Facebook page and primarily use their personal Facebook account to market their business. In the world of small business, this is an effective tactic since their personal Facebook connections are likely some of their...

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5 Phases of Effective Marketing Management

You may have never considered how similar marketing management is to project management. But the fact is, you should be project managing your marketing! Most people think of project management as killing tasks and getting things done, naturally because that is, in fact, part of it. However,...

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