Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

7 Facebook Live Mistakes for You to Avoid

Facebook Live - have you given it a try yet?

Maybe you’ve noticed the videos of friends going Live in your feed or even tapped on the Live icon yourself when writing a post then freaked out a little because you realized you weren’t quite sure what to do next.

Or maybe you’ve...

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Stop Overthinking Social Media and Do Social Media

I have something important to tell you. Your marketing is never going to be perfect. There, I said it. Now you say it with me (out loud), “My marketing is never going to be perfect.” I said say it out loud, silly. Try again, “My marketing is never going to be perfect.”...

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Make Creative Content with these Five Apps

Creating interesting content doesn’t have to be hard. I’ve discussed in previous blog posts how important visuals are in social media. Today, there are tons of apps and integrations on different platforms to help you create interesting content and I'm going to show you how to use...

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Mobile Phone Video - Do's and Don'ts

Taking videos for social media does not have to be anything too glamorous. You don’t need a fancy DSLR camera or to be editing your videos with the latest Adobe software (although, that is one way to create some pretty amazing videos). If you have a smartphone, then you have a magical video...

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