Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

Episode 48: Should You Get Personal In Your Social Media Content

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The rules of social media continue to change and evolve as each of the platforms evolves. But, one rule never changes. You're in control and in charge of what you post. There are no cookie-cutter rules around whether you should share details about your personal life in your...

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Episode 31: The Four Dimensions of Your Personal Brand


You have a personal brand. Regardless of whether your business is a "Your Name Dot Com" kind of business (for example someone like me). 

I have been talking "personal branding" since 2014 and I'm always amazed at how many people don't think they have a personal brand. 

We all...

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Episode 30: Five Enhancements to Up-Level Your Facebook Live Videos

I believe just about everyone should be using Facebook Live or some sort of live video. You can now go live on just about all of the popular social media platforms and we're starting to see more people embrace this incredibly engaging way to create content.

I'm still an advocate that even if you...

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Episode 11: Why You Can't Only Rely on Social Media to Market Your Business.

You've probably heard the experts say, "You don't own Facebook so you shouldn't put all of your eggs in one basket." What does that even mean?

Obviously, you know you don't own Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest. Here's the skinny...

If you're relying on social media to...

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Episode 5: The Real Reason We're on Social Media for Business.

Let’s talk about why your business is on social media. Brands often think they are online, particularly on social media, to sell something. Their content is geared toward making a sale and, quite frankly, ignores the needs of their prospective customers.

Social media is a great place to...

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Let's create a social media content strategy

Say it with me, “I will no longer post something just to post something.” This means you’re ready to let your social media content start working for you and help you reach your goals. You need to embark on a simple process that will lead you through the elements of developing a...

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7 Facebook Live Mistakes for You to Avoid

Facebook Live - have you given it a try yet?

Maybe you’ve noticed the videos of friends going Live in your feed or even tapped on the Live icon yourself when writing a post then freaked out a little because you realized you weren’t quite sure what to do next.

Or maybe you’ve...

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How I Published 30 Posts in 30 Days

For those of you that followed along, you saw that I posted 30 tips in 30 days to my social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and my personal Twitter). I didn't just post tips to my social media though, I published thirty blog posts to my website too. It...

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Stop Overthinking Social Media and Do Social Media

I have something important to tell you. Your marketing is never going to be perfect. There, I said it. Now you say it with me (out loud), “My marketing is never going to be perfect.” I said say it out loud, silly. Try again, “My marketing is never going to be perfect.”...

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5 Things You Shouldn't Do on Social Media

It’s easy to talk about all the awesome things you should be doing with your social media, but it’s also important to talk about some things you shouldn't do. These social media don’ts apply to anyone using social media to market a business or themselves.

Avoid religious and...

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