Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

15 Common Words and Phrases You're Probably Saying Incorrectly

From commas and hyphens to spelling and capitalization, grammar is hard. While it can be difficult to remember AP style rules and definitions, there are lots of common grammar mistakes you can avoid just by understanding a little context.

If you didn’t already know the correct pronunciation...

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7 Facebook Live Mistakes for You to Avoid

Facebook Live - have you given it a try yet?

Maybe you’ve noticed the videos of friends going Live in your feed or even tapped on the Live icon yourself when writing a post then freaked out a little because you realized you weren’t quite sure what to do next.

Or maybe you’ve...

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Stop Overthinking Social Media and Do Social Media

I have something important to tell you. Your marketing is never going to be perfect. There, I said it. Now you say it with me (out loud), “My marketing is never going to be perfect.” I said say it out loud, silly. Try again, “My marketing is never going to be perfect.”...

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Organizing Marketing Ideas with Trello

Obviously, marketing planning should be a collaborative and creative process. A good whiteboard session is hard to beat, but there’s a more tech-savvy way to get your creative juices flowing. Enter Trello. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a marketing coordinator, business owner,...

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Tips to Increase Engagement on Twitter

Looking for some help to increase engagement on Twitter? Check out the following tips on how to start conversations that lead to engagement with your followers and potential followers on Twitter.

Tweet questions that provoke answers.

People are more likely to reply to a tweet that asks a...

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Use Canva to Create Your Own Marketing Visuals

Marketing is nothing without accompanying visuals. Visuals are a huge part of social media in any marketing program. It can be challenging to create your own marketing visuals if you're not an experienced designer. I use Canva to create graphics for my own marketing and for my clients’...

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Mobile Phone Video - Do's and Don'ts

Taking videos for social media does not have to be anything too glamorous. You don’t need a fancy DSLR camera or to be editing your videos with the latest Adobe software (although, that is one way to create some pretty amazing videos). If you have a smartphone, then you have a magical video...

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How to Organize Your Digital Assets

A successful marketing program requires organization. Going beyond to-do lists and drawers with file folders, a successful marketing program needs to be digitally organized. The digital essentials of an active marketing program are logos, pictures, graphics, online marketing materials, design...

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Why Showcasing People on Social Media Works

As a business, your biggest assets are your people. This, in combination with how people buy and why they buy, is the reason you should be showcasing people on social media.

Think back to an amazing experience you had as a paying customer. Got it? OK, so what do you remember the most? It’s...

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The Importance of a Complete Social Media Profile

To some, this might be obvious, but for many, this might be a daunting task:

Fill in and complete every field in your social media profiles.

Some of you might be saying “duh,” but often times, simple things like a phone number or website address don’t make it to a business...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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