Melanie Dyann Howe

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The DIY Marketing Blog

A place for me to share tips, tricks, encouragement, stories, and helpful info. 

Episode 46: Five Ways To Get More Results From Online Networking


Networking isn't a new concept to growing your business. But today networking involves connecting with people offline and online. When you network effectively you'll not only see growth in your audience but also your business as a whole.

Effective networking creates opportunities for...

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Episode 45: How to Create 30 Content Ideas in 30 Minutes


When you have a bucket of content ideas, it empowers you to create more content. But, not just that, it will empower you to have more confidence that you can create content on a more regular and consistent basis.

In this episode, I'm sharing with you a simple yet effective strategy that...

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Episode 44: What does it mean to be a professional?

Have you ever been called "unprofessional?" What does that even mean these days? Our culture is always shifting. Gone are the days when women have to look and act a certain way in order to be taken seriously in the workplace...or are they? 

In this episode, I'm giving you a quick pep talk. If...

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Episode 43: Seven Ways You Need to Show Up in 2021


Welcome to 2021! Another opportunity to look ahead and think, "what am I going to do differently to finally make the strides I want to make?" Well, sister, you're going to show UP! Don't sit around waiting for things to happen. No more waiting for the courage to arrive magically so you...

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Episode 42: How to Keep Momentum on Social Media While You Take a Break


I find that there are two types of business owners this time of year. All businesses have peaks and valleys when it comes to revenue trends. Some businesses are seasonal and some just simply follow a natural trend of buyer behavior (active and less active).
At the time of this...
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Episode 41: How to Create Live Videos More Regularly


Live video is powerful. Simple as that. But it's even more powerful if you do it on a regular basis! So why don't more entrepreneurs use live video more regularly? In my experience in helping people implement a live strategy, the reasons fall into two buckets.

The first reason is that...

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Episode 40: How to Deal with the Concept of Market Saturation


Have you ever feared that the market already has enough of what you offer? Do you sometimes look around and think, "There are SO many people teaching what I teach."

Here's the deal. I don't believe in market saturation. I call it market awareness. If you were the only one offering what you...

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Episode 39: Getting Over Your Fear of Live Video


There are many reasons I hear from people who aren't using live video. But bottom line...most of the time the reason people are using video in their business is fear. Fear of what others will think, fear of how they look, fear of making a mistake, and looking foolish. Fear of technology....

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Episode 38: Stop Trying to Find Your Voice

Marketing 101 tells you that one of the key elements of any brand is the "voice." It's an huge part actually. Well, in the case where YOU are the brand your voice is even more important. 

If you're still trying to "find your voice," look no further because you already found it. It's not...

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Episode 37: How to Market More Than One Business or Product

Can you successfully market more than one business, product, or offer? I believe you can. While it might be easier to put all of your energy and focus into one area, there are situations that call for you to add something else to your mix. 

Perhaps you are multi-passionate and want to help...

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